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BioBlend Plus

BioBlend Plus

Product Description:

BioBlend Plus is our premier soil inoculant for broad application.  This product contains a total of 8 species of endo and ectomycorrhiza, ensuring this product is effective for a broad range of plant type and climatic conditions.  BioBlend Plus also contains 10 species of beneficial bacteria including bacillus, streptomyces and trichoderma.

Contains: 70,039 spores/gram (31,727,667 spores/lb) total Rhizophagus intraradices, Rhizophagus aggregatum, Funneliformis mosseae, Pisolithus Tinctorius, Rhizopogon villosulus, Rhizopogon luteolus, Rhizopogon amylopogon, Rhizopogon fulvigelba,  and more than 51 million cfu/gram (23 billion cfu/lb) total bacillus subtilis, bacillus amyloliquefaciens, bacillus megaterium, bacillus licheniformis, streptomyces griseus, streptomyces lydicus and trichoderma viride, trichoderma harzinium


The species of Endomycorrhizal fungi, ectomycorrhizal fungi and/or bacteria included in this blend have been shown to provide the following benefits when used in agriculture:

  • Re-establishes biodiversity in soil after wild fires and other environmental disturbances
  • Improved Soil Structure and Water Retention
  • Improved Nutrient Up-Take
  • Plant Growth, Increased Yield, Increased Biomass
  • Bigger and Stronger Roots.
  • Improved plant tolerance to drought, salinity, heavy metals, nutrient deficient soils and other stresses
  • Restoration after environmental disaster (wildfire, mining, construction, etc) – reduced erosion, reduced heavy metal contamination, improved water holding capacity, encourages recolonization of plants**
  • Streptomyces and Trichoderma are active ingredients in several well known bio-fungicides on the market including Actinovate and RootShield Plus.


  • Forests, Vegetables, cannabis/hemp, landscape shrubs, rangeland/grasses/cereal crops, flowers, broad range of tree species *
  • Apply at root zone during time of planting or seeding.  Mix with soil/fertilzer/broadcast at time of planting.
  • Use as an organic input in soil/fertilizer blends to add value to your product and meet consumer needs.
  • Made in the USA, Organic, All Natural

Carrier: Zeolite

Product type: Granular. non-soluble

Net wt. 20 lb., 50 lb., 2000 lb

Registered: CDFA Organic Input Material Reg. #586437

Pricing: Contact for distributor and wholesale pricing.

*Mycorrhizal Symbiosis for Better Adaptation of Trees to Abiotic Stress Caused by Climate Change in Temperate and Boreal Forests

**Back to Roots: The Role of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi in Boreal and Temperate Forest Restoration


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