Product Description:
BioMend+ is a highly concentrated water soluble super blend of beneficial bacteria species that have been shown in a large body of research to control for fungus and soil pathogens, stimulate growth, improve water transport within plants, improve biodiversity in the rhizosphere and improve plant tolerance to a variety of biotic and abiotic stresses. See sources below for support of claims.
Contains: 1.1 billion cfu/g (498 billion cfu/lb) total Bacillus subtilis, bacillus licheniformis, Paenibacillus polymyxa, Bacillus pumilus, Paenibacillus durum, Bacillus amyloliquefaciencs, Streptomyces lydicus, Streptomyces griseus, Trichoderma Harzianum, Trichoderma viride.
The species of bacteria included in this blend have been shown to provide the following benefits when used in agriculture:
- Improved healthy biodiversity in soil
- Accelerates composting
- Improves water use and transport within plants*****
- Stimulates plant growth***
- Improves uptake of Phosphorus, reduces the amount of chemical P required **
- Improves uptake of Nitrogen ***, reduces the amount of chemical N required
- Increases the production of aromatic compounds (terpenes) *
- Contains higher concentration (166%) of Streptomyces spp. than Actinovate (fungicide).
- Contains similar concentration (96%) of Trichoderma spp. as RootShield WP.
- Concentrated form reduces transport and storage costs.
- Vegetables, cannabis/hemp, shrubs, flowers, fruit and nut trees and vines, lawns, compost acellerator, greenhouse/indoor cultivation and outdoor
- In Ag: Seed treatment. Mix with soil/fertilzer and apply at time of planting. Bio-Prime root stock by dipping roots in solution. Root/cutting soaks. Suitable for fertigation and hydroponics. Foliar Spray through out the growing season.
- In Manufacturing: Use as an organic input in soil/fertilizer blends to add value to your product and meet consumer demand for biologicals.
- Made in the USA, Organic, All Natural
Carrier: Dextrose
Product type: Powder, water soluble
Net wt. 1lb x 6, 5lb, 5lb x 4, 30lb
Registered: CDFA Organic Input Material Reg. #670184
Pricing: Contact for distributor and wholesale pricing.
*Exploiting Beneficial Pseudomonas spp. for Cannabis Production
**Microbial Phosphorus Solubilization and Its Potential for Use in Sustainable Agriculture
***Trichoderma-Based Biostimulants Modulate Rhizosphere Microbial Populations and Improve N Uptake Efficiency, Yield, and Nutritional Quality of Leafy Vegetables
***Bacillus subtilis: A plant-growth promoting rhizobacterium that also impacts biotic stress
****Trichoderma: The Current Status of Its Application in Agriculture for the Biocontrol of Fungal Phytopathogens and Stimulation of Plant Growth